Partnership with le musée des Beaux-arts de Dijon
The Fondation Gandur pour l’Art has signed a long-term partnership with the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Dijon. After completion of a huge two-phase renovation project - from 2008 to 2013 and from 2015 to 2019 - the museum reopened all its entire galleries to the public in May 2019. Eight works from the FGA have been included in the museum’s new permanent exhibition for a period of five years.
The FGA's pieces have been incorporated into the new permanent display in galleries progressing from the Renaissance to the 21st century and inaugurated on 17 May 2019: four from the fine arts collection and four from the decorative arts collection.
The museum has an important collection of paintings by the Second School of Paris, represented in particular by Maria Helena Vieira da Silva, Nicolas de Staël, Alfred Manessier, Jean Bertholle, Jean Messagier and Jean Degottex, complemented by the four paintings lent by the FGA. These are iconic works by Jean Bazaine, Pierre Soulages, Gérard Schneider and Georges Mathieu. Together, they show the rich and diverse pictorial approaches of the Parisian avant-garde who revolutionized abstract art between 1945 and 1960.
As for the decorative arts, the four objects on loan were placed in a gallery devoted to late 16th century European Mannerism, bringing together paintings and objects from this period. Two clocks and a watch were added to a collection of timekeeping instruments that illustrates their stylistic and technical development. A boxwood comb, placed in a display case dedicated to women’s toilette during the Renaissance, was set in front of La Dame à sa toilette, one of the jewels in the paintings collection of the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Dijon.