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December 2017 Ethnology

Trumpet-shell or Putoka

A poetic object from the bottom of the sea:
a trumpet-shell from the Marquesas Islands

By developing an ethnological collection, the Fondation Gandur pour l’Art desires to gather objects linked with ritual practices of Oceania and Latin America. This trumpet made of a conch shell is the ideal artefact to initiate this collection.
Approach it to your ear: you will hear the sound of the waves and of the ceremonial songs from the Marquesas.

See the artwork in the collection

Trumpet-shell or Putoka
Oceania, Marquesas Islands, end XVIIIth-first part XIXth Century CE
Shell (Charonia Tritonis), coco fiber, hair, tapa, bone
Length : 47 cm

This object has been brought back by Admiral Abel Aubert du Petit-Thouars, from his expedition at the Marquesas Islands, in 1842. It remained in the family and was inherited by heritage. Acquired in Paris, Galerie Yann Ferrandin, the 18th july 2017


Courtesy Galerie Yann Ferrandin. Photographer : Vincent Girier-Dufournier

See also