
Tampa Museum of Art, Tampa, FL (US)   14 June 2014 - 30 November 2014
Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, NE (US)   6 FEBRUARY 2014 - 11 MAY 2014

Poseidon and the Sea : Myth, Cult and Daily Life

Poseidon and the Sea offers an intimate look at not only the mysteries of the ancient world, but at the timeless beauty and wonder of the sea that continues to resonate with us in the present day

Curator : Seth Pevnick

Beyond mythology and religion, the sea was the centre of daily life in towns and cities along the Mediterranean Coast. It provided food and other resources, and allowed for easy travel and trade. Poseidon appears frequently on vases made in ancient Athens, where the sea god and his son, Theseus, had aided in the historic defeat of invading Persian forces, thus saving the city.

Featuring over 110 works from major public and private collections in the United States and Europe, the exhibition also includes a monumental bronze trident over a dozen feet long that is believed to have accompanied a colossal statue of the god, which is now lost.

Works on loan

Pied de candélabre en forme d'animaux marins
Ve - VIe siècle après J.-C.
Applique en forme de panthère marine (Pardalocampos)
IIe siècle après J.-C.
Gobelet à bec en forme de poisson
Deuxième moitié Ve siècle avant J.-C.
Décor en forme de Centaure marin
Milieu Ier siècle après J.-C.